What to Expect
What is your worship style?
Our worship stands on the shoulders of centuries of Christian worship before us. We speak words that are spoken by Christians throughout the world on a given Sunday morning...words that have been spoken by Christians for nearly two-thousand years. Our music is generally led by the organ, but we occasionally incorporate special music that uses guitar, percussion, or other instrumentation. On Sunday morning, we use a setting of the Divine Service from Lutheran Service Book. Every Sunday service offers Holy Communion, the meal where Christ delivers to us His very body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. The hymns we sing span centuries: from the earliest days of the Church to the 21st century. All of it serves to point us to Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our forgiveness, life and salvation.
How long are your services?
Our services typically run 75 minutes long. We begin with an opening hymn, followed by the confession of our sins. The pastor speaks the absolution and we speak Psalms and sing ancient songs of the church, following the day's Scripture readings, the Creed, and a hymn, the pastor delivers the sermon. The sermon proclaims God's Word of Law (which condemns us all of our sinfulness) and Gospel (which proclaims the forgiveness that is ours in Jesus Christ). We gather an offering, pray together for the Church and the world, and then prepare to receive Christ's body and blood in the Sacrament of the Altar. The bread and wine deliver to us exactly what Christ says: His body and His blood. We sing hymns while Holy Communion is distributed and then conclude with closing prayers, the Benediction, and a final hymn. After the service is finished, we gather in the fellowship hall for refreshments and Bible study for high school youth and adults. We offer Sunday school during the school year for all children ages preschool through 4th grade. Our 5th and 6th graders attend a confirmation class.
Do I need to dress up for church?
We welcome you as you are to our services. Some people will wear suits, ties, or dresses which is certainly a commendable tradition. We recognize that we are in the Lord's House on the Lord's Day to hear the Lord's Word, so it's entirely appropriate to dress as one who is coming into the presence of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But you need not worry if you don't have "church clothes." Come and hear the Word that our Lord wishes to deliver to you!
Do you have children's church?
We actually encourage the presence of children in the Lord's House with the rest of the congregation. Children learn to worship by seeing others do it. It is stunning how young of an age a child can learn the liturgy and follow along with everyone else. If you feel that you need to take your child out of the service, there are rocking chairs just outside the doors to the nave, as well as a nursery in the fellowship hall.
Can I take communion in your church?
Our Redeemer practices closed communion. This means that we invite to the Lord's Table all those who are members in good standing of congregations of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or one her partner churches. When a person comes to the altar, it is not merely something done between the Christian and God. It's a communion...a "coming together" with brothers and sisters in the faith. St. Paul teaches us that we should have no divisions among us (1 Corinthians 1:10) and that there should especially be no divisions when we are at the Lord's Table (1 Corinthians 11:17-22). We also learn in Holy Scripture that it is no small thing to come into the presence of the Lord's altar. Receiving the Lord's Supper without preparation can be a curse instead of a blessing (1 Corinthians 11:29-30). If you are interested in learning more about Holy Communion and preparing to receive it, please speak to our pastor who will gladly talk with you further.
Our worship stands on the shoulders of centuries of Christian worship before us. We speak words that are spoken by Christians throughout the world on a given Sunday morning...words that have been spoken by Christians for nearly two-thousand years. Our music is generally led by the organ, but we occasionally incorporate special music that uses guitar, percussion, or other instrumentation. On Sunday morning, we use a setting of the Divine Service from Lutheran Service Book. Every Sunday service offers Holy Communion, the meal where Christ delivers to us His very body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. The hymns we sing span centuries: from the earliest days of the Church to the 21st century. All of it serves to point us to Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our forgiveness, life and salvation.
How long are your services?
Our services typically run 75 minutes long. We begin with an opening hymn, followed by the confession of our sins. The pastor speaks the absolution and we speak Psalms and sing ancient songs of the church, following the day's Scripture readings, the Creed, and a hymn, the pastor delivers the sermon. The sermon proclaims God's Word of Law (which condemns us all of our sinfulness) and Gospel (which proclaims the forgiveness that is ours in Jesus Christ). We gather an offering, pray together for the Church and the world, and then prepare to receive Christ's body and blood in the Sacrament of the Altar. The bread and wine deliver to us exactly what Christ says: His body and His blood. We sing hymns while Holy Communion is distributed and then conclude with closing prayers, the Benediction, and a final hymn. After the service is finished, we gather in the fellowship hall for refreshments and Bible study for high school youth and adults. We offer Sunday school during the school year for all children ages preschool through 4th grade. Our 5th and 6th graders attend a confirmation class.
Do I need to dress up for church?
We welcome you as you are to our services. Some people will wear suits, ties, or dresses which is certainly a commendable tradition. We recognize that we are in the Lord's House on the Lord's Day to hear the Lord's Word, so it's entirely appropriate to dress as one who is coming into the presence of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But you need not worry if you don't have "church clothes." Come and hear the Word that our Lord wishes to deliver to you!
Do you have children's church?
We actually encourage the presence of children in the Lord's House with the rest of the congregation. Children learn to worship by seeing others do it. It is stunning how young of an age a child can learn the liturgy and follow along with everyone else. If you feel that you need to take your child out of the service, there are rocking chairs just outside the doors to the nave, as well as a nursery in the fellowship hall.
Can I take communion in your church?
Our Redeemer practices closed communion. This means that we invite to the Lord's Table all those who are members in good standing of congregations of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or one her partner churches. When a person comes to the altar, it is not merely something done between the Christian and God. It's a communion...a "coming together" with brothers and sisters in the faith. St. Paul teaches us that we should have no divisions among us (1 Corinthians 1:10) and that there should especially be no divisions when we are at the Lord's Table (1 Corinthians 11:17-22). We also learn in Holy Scripture that it is no small thing to come into the presence of the Lord's altar. Receiving the Lord's Supper without preparation can be a curse instead of a blessing (1 Corinthians 11:29-30). If you are interested in learning more about Holy Communion and preparing to receive it, please speak to our pastor who will gladly talk with you further.